If you a loved one relative friend or employee in Warwickshire are struggling with addiction call and speak to an addictions clinician with three decades experience on all aspects of addiction detox treatment and rehab.
24/7 Helpline
Detox and rehab centre UK Residential rehab centre UK
Home detox services UK
If you a loved one relative friend or employee in Warwickshire are struggling with addiction call and speak to an addiction’s clinician with decades experience on all aspects of addiction detox treatment and rehab.
Information from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring Service indicate that , for the period 2019-2020, 1,277 adults sought help from local drug and alcohol services for the first time. Of this cohort, 25% (321) were parents with children living with them and 34% (432) were also parents but without children living at their address with the remaining 41% not having children or contact with children.
Figures and statistics for Warwickshire are very hard to come by and historical. However, they can give an indication of the prevalence at the time they were compiled. For example, in 2016 it was estimated that 8.4% of the then adult population in Warwickshire had taken an illegal drug in a 12 month period: A total of 26,000 adults. This was a .02% reduction on the year before.
Local figures show that there are 653 adults, in the county, who are in active addiction to opioids/crack cocaine with 214 being in treatment. Of these figures, 481 are men. In relation to alcohol 1,128 adults in the county drink to levels where they experience dependency/addiction with only 307 being in treatment with local community drug and alcohol services.
However, the police and crime commissioner estimates that in Warwickshire there are about 107,000 adults drinking above low risk levels around, nearly 17,000 drinking at harmful levels and 26,000 who are alcohol dependent. In 2020 local government reports indicated that the rate for alcohol-related harm hospital admissions were lower than the average for England (576 per 100,000 adults) . This represents 376 admissions per year.
Affordable, accessible private treatment is available. Call Paul on 0333 041 9922 to discuss. He has three decades direct clinical experience and can offer impartial, free and totally confidential advice
UK Residential rehab centre UK Detox and rehab centre UK Home detox services UK
Statutory drug and alcohol services are provided by Change
Grow Live (CGL)
Email: Warwickshire.Info@cgl.org.uk
Tel: 01926 353 513
16 Court Street
Leamington Spa
Warwickshire CV31 2BB
112 Abbey Street
Warwickshire CV11 5BX
35-37 Albert Street
Warwickshire CV21 2SG
Accessing private treatment in Warwickshire is relatively simple. Where appropriate, and space depending, same day admissions can be arranged. Not only are there centres in Warwickshire , both low cost and high end, there are also numerous centres within a close travelling distance to the county.
Our in-house clinicians have many years experience of directly referring private clients into centres and also of working in the centres as locum clinicians, assessing and prescribing for patients starting a detox. Call and discuss treatment options, cost, location, availability and feasibility.
Home detox services UK Residential rehab centre UK Detox and rehab centre UK

Free Rehab Advice
Free Rehab Advice exists to provide free and independent advice to those seeking admission to drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
Find Out MoreHome Detox
Speak to an experienced addictions clinician on home detox: free, impartial and confidential
Residential Rehab
Call for free and impartial advice on residential rehab,detox,recovery, therapy and counselling from a clinician.
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If you find yourself in need of assistance at any hour, we're here to support you around the clock. Whether it's the dead of night or the crack of dawn, our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, ready to lend a helping hand whenever you require it.
So, if you ever find yourself in a pinch or simply need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out. We're committed to being there for you whenever you need us, no matter the time.