Speak to an experienced addictions clinician for confidential, free and impartial advice on all aspects of addiction, treatment and rehab in Peterborough.
24/7 Helpline
Do you need 24 hour rehab advice? 24 hour addiction help? Drug addiction rehab UK?
Speak to an experienced addictions clinician for confidential, free and impartial advice on all aspects of addiction, treatment and rehab in Peterborough. Speak to one of our in house experienced clinicians with many decades clinical experience. Call on 0333 041 9922. Free, independent, confidential and impartial advice.
Statistics on drug and alcohol use with Peterborough are scarce and difficult to locate. However, there are numerous governmental and local governmental reports that help to identify trends.
For the last set of published figures (2019-2020) there were a total of 884 new adult patients presenting to local statutory drug and alcohol services seeking treatment for drug and alcohol dependency. Out of this cohort, 22%, 192 adults, had children living with them. 349 (349%) did not.
Drug death rates, for the last reporting period of 2021 reveal that there was an increase in drug relate deaths within Peterborough. Indeed, the figure doubled from 9 to 18.
Aug 2021 Office for National Statistics figures show there were 18 drug-related deaths recorded in Peterborough in 2020 – up from nine the year before. However, this is countered by the statistic that 25.8% of adults in Peterborough, in 2022, completed treatment for opioid addiction when the average for England was 15.2%
If you need 24 hour rehab advice, Drug addiction rehab UK, 24 hour addiction help? Call our clinical team on 0333 041 9922
Statutory drug and alcohol services in Peterborough are provided by CGL/Aspire across two
local hubs:
102-104 Bridge Street
Peterborough PE1 1DY
Unit 4 Bretton Court
Rightwell East
Bretton PE3 8DJ
Phone number: 01733 269461
For fee paying clients, there are low cost residential services,
as well as high end centres, as well as private outpatient services and
local drug and alcohol focused therapists.
Call in to discuss your specific needs and treatment options. This is an entirely free, confidential and impartial service. Feel free to call: at anytime.
In need of 24 hour addiction help? Drug addiction rehab UK? 24 hour rehab advice? Call in on 0333 041 9922 for free, confidential and impartial advice on all aspects of addiction treatment, rehab, detox and therapy from an experienced addictions clinician.

Free Rehab Advice
Free Rehab Advice exists to provide free and independent advice to those seeking admission to drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
Find Out MoreHome Detox
Speak to an experienced addictions clinician on home detox: free, impartial and confidential
Residential Rehab
Call for free and impartial advice on residential rehab,detox,recovery, therapy and counselling from a clinician.
Find Out MoreContact Support
If you find yourself in need of assistance at any hour, we're here to support you around the clock. Whether it's the dead of night or the crack of dawn, our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, ready to lend a helping hand whenever you require it.
So, if you ever find yourself in a pinch or simply need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out. We're committed to being there for you whenever you need us, no matter the time.