
Free, confidential and impartial advice on all aspects of addiction, treatment, rehab, detox, residential rehab, therapy, counselling and cost from a clinician in Durham.

24/7 Helpline

Free, confidential and impartial advice on all aspects of addiction, treatment, rehab, detox, residential rehab, therapy, counselling and cost from a clinician in Durham. Do you need an addiction recovery center? Alcohol addiction recovery UK? Free rehab referral service? Call and speak to a clinician with over decades of experience. We can give you impartial, free and confidential advice at any time. Please call 0333 041 9922

Statistics published by the local authority in 2021 show that, in Durham,  for those aged 15-24 years, there were an average of 76 per 100,000 of the local population who were admitted to hospital due to complications from drug misuse. These are lower than for other areas of the north east of England. The completion rates for opioid users, going into treatment in 2021, were 5.5% which is just above the average in England of 5%. Rates for completion for non-opioid patients were just slightly lower of the average for England (34.3%) at 32.6%.

With regards to alcohol, the statistics for Durham were significantly worse than for the average in England with only 33.8% percent successfully completing treatment whereas the average for England, for 2021, was 36.6%. This worrying trend is also reflected in the higher than average, for England, mortality rate for liver disease in the under 75’s. The average in England, during 2021, was 21.2%, whereas for Durham, it was 30.9%. Help is available to you.Do you need an addiction recovery center? Free rehab referral service?  Do you need alcohol addiction recovery UK?   Paul is a clinician with over thirty years’ experience. He can give you impartial, free and confidential advice at any time. Please call 0333 041 9922

Locally commissioned statutory services are provided through a charity: Humankind. There are five bases around the county and new clients are asked to call in on: 03000 266 666 to self-refer.

Centre for Change, Whinney Hill, Durham DH1 3BQ

Eden House, 1 Station Road, Consett, Co. Durham DH8 5RL

Saddler House, Saddler St, Bishop Auckland DL14 7BH

Peterlee Health Centre Bede Way Peterlee SR8 1AD

Sunderland Rd, Horden, Peterlee SR8 4NU

Email: CDDARS.adult@humankindcharity.org.uk

Web: County Durham Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service – Humankind

 Do you need alcohol addiction recovery UK? Free rehab referral service? Do you need an addiction recovery center? We have in-house clinicians with decades of experience. We can give you impartial, free and confidential advice at any time. Please call 0333 041 9922

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Free Rehab Advice

Free Rehab Advice exists to provide free and independent advice to those seeking admission to drug and alcohol rehabilitation. 

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Home Detox

Speak to an experienced addictions clinician on home detox: free, impartial and confidential

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Residential Rehab

Call for free and impartial advice on residential rehab,detox,recovery, therapy and counselling from a clinician.

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So, if you ever find yourself in a pinch or simply need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out. We're committed to being there for you whenever you need us, no matter the time.